Experiencing bullying firsthand and growing up alongside two siblings with disabilities who became regular targets of peer torment - including her sisters loss of a college degree because of a bullying professor - fuels Kaitlin's passion for this cause.
Kaitlin's involvement as Miss New York in the fight against bullying has included the following projects and initiatives:
- Launched Project Empower, a non-profit initiative to end bullying through personal and professional development in youth - read more
- Founded first state petition for cyberbullying laws in New York- read more
- Launched Cyberbully Census with State Senator Jeffery Klein - read more
- Partnered with Senator Klein to pass cyberbullying legislation in 2012
- Official spokesperson and partner with Parry Aftab, We're Kickin It, Teenangels, STOPCyberbullying, WiredSafety, All About Bullies, Big and Small
- Speaking tour at schools throughout New York State
- Appeared on MSNBC - read more
- Mentoring students with school and community anti-bullying projects
- Working with New York State School Boards Assoc. on the implementation of Dignity For All Students Act
- Numerous media and public appearances promoting anti-bullying education and awareness
Learn more about these initiatives to see how you can get involved with Kaitlin's work.
During Kaitlin's fall 2011 school bullying tour, Kaitlin spoke at schools across the state to discuss how students can tackle bullying through leadership. This spring she will continue to travel and speak at schools, organizations, and with civil and professional foundations about bullying awareness and resources. Join the movement to end bullying in New York by inviting Kaitlin to work with your audience.
Download School Appearance Information Kit
Kaitlin is working one-on-one with students and parents across the state to handle individual issues of bullying and cyberbullying, offering her connections within the industry to bring effective solutions into the lives of students and schools who have asked for her help. Each case is anonymous, discussed only between Kaitlin and those involved. Kaitlin currently works with nearly a dozen individuals throughout New York and neighboring areas.
If you or someone you know would like to talk to Kaitlin about bullying,
contact her directly at missny2011@missny.org
By empowering students to be the leaders on the issue, schools are able to see quick changes in social patterns among students.
To bring Kaitlin to your school to help students design custom bullying campaigns, contact: schools@missny.org

She has started the petition, now it is your turn. Let your voice be heard in honor of all children and teens who felt the only solution was suicide. Help us protect our youth.
Since launching the petition, Kaitlin has received over 3,000 signatures from individuals around the world.
On September 27th, Senator Jeffrey Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference of New York introduced a new cyberbullying bill and began work on a state-wide education effort to tackle this issue.
In response to Kaitlin's petition, Senator Klein invited Kaitlin to become part of his effort, releasing the following statement:
“I applaud Miss Monte's continued efforts to raise awareness of the devastating effects of cyberbullying and her most recent call to action that there ought to be a law that protects victims from unrelenting attacks and invasions from cyberbullies - I'm crafting legislation in the State Senate to do just that. We do not need another tragedy to prove that words can kill. I've signed my name to Katlin Monte's petition and encourage all New Yorkers to do the same, so that together, we hold bullies accountable for their actions.”

The project aims to generate contemporary statistics about the presence and nature of online bullying in New York. It is the first of it's kind and was designed through a partnership with leading internet safety specialist and WiredSafety founder Parry Aftab.
Students across the state can log on and anonymously answer 20 questions about their experience with online bullying. The information will be used to help lawmakers craft an effective response to the issue, as well as organize support programs and education events.
Kaitlin has brought awareness of the census to schools statewide and has served as a primary spokesperson and contributor for the effort. She is responsible for connecting Klein with the New York State School Boards Association.
Kaitlin has recruited some of the nation's top anti-bullying organizations to design custom curriculum for schools across New York State as part of the new Dignity For All Students Act, a new law requiring schools to train teachers on bullying, it's prevention and proper response tactics. She initiated a partnership with the New York State School Boards Association to help guide schools through the implementation process of this new policy.